You could get the game from the Eshop, but you would need the Japanese version You also need to acquire the game Cubic Ninja to do this. Another downside is that you need to have a computer with an SD card reader (sorry some mac users). The versions you can use are 4.0.0-7 through 9.2.0-20. You CANNOT have the latest firmware for 3DS as of this date. Overall, all of these feature on the Homebrew Channel are GREAT! But there is a downside to all of this. Now, the interesting thing about this is that you can get this (sort of) without the Homebrew Channel! Click here to see a video as to how you can do this. GameYob is exactly the same thing as BlargSnes, but you can play GAMEBOY games rather than Snes games. But, that's okay, considering that Minecraft is a BIG game.
3DS craft is a client of Minecraft, but for the 3DS! Of course, there are going to be some things missing from the game that are from the PC version. But only a few! With this emulator, you can play EVERY Snes title that has been released! With these roms, you can play snes games on your 3DS! Now, you may be thinking "Well, I can get these Snes titles from the Eshop, so what point is there in that?" Well, yes you can get them from the Eshop. The 3DS homebrew channel features only 3 quality channels blargSnes, 3DS Craft, and GameYob.īlargSnes is an emulator which allows you to download snes roms (From the computer of course) and transfer them to the 3DS.

Well, to answer that question, it may be a bit to early to say whether its good or not. So, not to long ago, the homebrew channel for the 3DS was released! Is it good though? If you feel differently about this, feel free to comment what you think.